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Geospatial imaging & remote monitoring
We have worked with organisations to develop their capabilities in this field first to help conserve endangered heritage and then in immersive learning. More recently we have focussed on applying this expertise to environmental monitoring. The war in Ukraine is having a profound impact on the environment. This initiative is exploring how innovations in geospatial imaging and remote monitoring can help citizens track changes and identify priorities areas for remediation
From injury to a renewed purpose
We have been supporting start-up ventures in the field of prosthetics as well as exploring how innovations in this field could transform care pathways for organisations engaged in the support for amputees
Mapping, Modelling &
Monitoring endangered heritage sites
We have been developing tools to enable local communities to map, model and monitor their heritage sites using advances in consumer technology, thereby helping to protect and share their heritage – as well as creating a network of digitally literate conservationists and entrepreneurs.
Using Simulation tools
for capacity building in emergencies
This was in response to the Ebola pandemic and sought to build on advances in simulation training, and make them available to health workers in the affected countries.
Encouraging systems thinking in development
Systems thinking is critical to sustainable development because it allows us to understand and address the complex and interconnected nature of social, economic, and environmental systems. Increasingly the concept of the circular economy is becoming a more important input into business strategy
Management consulting & advisory work
Clients often approach LSN Ltd for advice on strategy development, marketing, fundraising and R&D management. Clients have ranged from leading healthcare multinationals to multilateral organisations through to SME.
This builds on experience in having been involved in range of transformational health initiatives from being part of the team that launched the world’s first genetically engineered vaccine; advising the WHO’s Children’s Vaccine Initiative (the CVI) whose successor was GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance; the Rockefeller Foundation’s Centre for the Management of IP in Health Research and Development; and the Palliative Care Initiative to transform the end of life care in the community based on innovative approaches in low resources settings.
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